17 research outputs found

    Addressing Rogue Vehicles by Integrating Computer Vision, Activity Monitoring, and Contextual Information

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    In this paper, we address the detection of rogue autonomous vehicles using an integrated approach involving computer vision, activity monitoring and contextual information. The proposed approach can be used to detect rogue autonomous vehicles using sensors installed on observer vehicles that are used to monitor and identify the behavior of other autonomous vehicles operating on the road. The safe braking distance and the safe following time are computed to identify if an autonomous vehicle is behaving properly. Our preliminary results show that there is a wide variation in both the safe following time and the safe braking distance recorded using three autonomous vehicles in a test-bed. These initial results show significant progress for the future efforts to coordinate the operation of autonomous, semi-autonomous and non-autonomous vehicles

    Are You Really Muted?: A Privacy Analysis of Mute Buttons in Video Conferencing Apps

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    In the post-pandemic era, video conferencing apps (VCAs) have converted previously private spaces — bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchens — into semi-public extensions of the office. And for the most part, users have accepted these apps in their personal space, without much thought about the permission models that govern the use of their personal data during meetings. While access to a device’s video camera is carefully controlled, little has been done to ensure the same level of privacy for accessing the microphone. In this work, we ask the question: what happens to the microphone data when a user clicks the mute button in a VCA? We first conduct a user study to analyze users\u27 understanding of the permission model of the mute button. Then, using runtime binary analysis tools, we trace raw audio in many popular VCAs as it traverses the app from the audio driver to the network. We find fragmented policies for dealing with microphone data among VCAs — some continuously monitor the microphone input during mute, and others do so periodically. One app transmits statistics of the audio to its telemetry servers while the app is muted. Using network traffic that we intercept en route to the telemetry server, we implement a proof-of-concept background activity classifier and demonstrate the feasibility of inferring the ongoing background activity during a meeting — cooking, cleaning, typing, etc. We achieved 81.9% macro accuracy on identifying six common background activities using intercepted outgoing telemetry packets when a user is muted

    Poster: Userland Containers for Mobile Systems

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    Mobile platforms are not rising to their potential as ubiquitous computers, in large part because of the constraints we impose on their apps in the name of security. Mobile operating systems have long struggled with the challenge of isolating untrusted apps. In pursuit of a secure runtime environment, Android and iOS isolate apps inside a gulag of platform-imposed programming languages and runtime libraries, leaving few design decisions to the application developers. These thick layers of custom software eschew app portability and maintainability, as development teams must continually tweak their apps to support modifications to the OS\u27s runtime libraries. Nonstandard and ever-changing interfaces to those APIs invite bugs in the operating system and apps alike. Mobile-only APIs have bifurcated the population of software running on our devices. On one side sits the conventional PC and server programs: compilers, shells, servers, daemons, and many others that use the standard libraries and programming models to interface with the computer and the outside world. On the other side lives the apps: mobile-only and purpose-built, they often serve as user interfaces to some larger cloud-based system. Under the weight of the numerous OS-imposed platform constraints, it is difficult for app developers to innovate: large classes of applications are simply impossible to port to mobile devices because the required APIs are unsupported. To deal with these cross platform dependencies, it is necessary to maintain multiple code bases. In the past, dependency issues have typically been solved through the use of containers. However, deploying containers on mobile systems present unique challenges. To maintain security, mobile operating systems do not give users permission to launch Docker containers. To solve this issue, we consider an older idea known as user-land containerization. Userland containerization allows userland containers to be launched by regular unprivileged users in any Linux or Android based system. Userland containerization works by inserting a modified operating system kernel between the host kernel and the guest processes. We have done an in depth study on the performance of user-mode containers like the user mode linux (UML) kernel [1], repurposing it as a userland hypervisor between the host kernel and the guest processes. We prototype a proof-of-concept usermode kernel with an implementation that is guided by the findings of our empirical study. Our kernel introduces a new technique---similar to paravirtualization---to optimize the syscall interface between the guest process and the usermode kernel to improve its I/O performance. The redesigned syscall interface provides I/O performance that approaches that of conventional virtualization techniques. Our paravirtualization strategies outperform UML by a factor of 3--6X for I/O bound workloads. Furthermore, we achieve 3.5--5X more network throughput and equal disk write speed compared to VMWare Workstation. Although there is still ample opportunity for performance improvements, our approach demonstrates the promise and potential of a usable userland virtualization platform that balances security with performance

    AEROKEY: Using Ambient Electromagnetic Radiation for Secure and Usable Wireless Device Authentication

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    Wireless connectivity is becoming common in increasingly diverse personal devices, enabling various interoperation- and Internet-based applications and services. More and more interconnected devices are simultaneously operated by a single user with short-lived connections, making usable device authentication methods imperative to ensure both high security and seamless user experience. Unfortunately, current authentication methods that heavily require human involvement, in addition to form factor and mobility constraints, make this balance hard to achieve, often forcing users to choose between security and convenience. In this work, we present a novel over-the-air device authentication scheme named AEROKEY that achieves both high security and high usability. With virtually no hardware overhead, AEROKEY leverages ubiquitously observable ambient electromagnetic radiation to autonomously generate spatiotemporally unique secret that can be derived only by devices that are closely located to each other. Devices can make use of this unique secret to form the basis of a symmetric key, making the authentication procedure more practical, secure and usable with no active human involvement. We propose and implement essential techniques to overcome challenges in realizing AEROKEY on low-cost microcontroller units, such as poor time synchronization, lack of precision analog front-end, and inconsistent sampling rates. Our real-world experiments demonstrate reliable authentication as well as its robustness against various realistic adversaries with low equal-error rates of 3.4% or less and usable authentication time of as low as 24 s

    Establishing Trust in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Coordination: A Sensor Fusion Approach

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    Autonomous vehicles (AVs) use diverse sensors to understand their surroundings as they continually make safety- critical decisions. However, establishing trust with other AVs is a key prerequisite because safety-critical decisions cannot be made based on data shared from untrusted sources. Existing protocols require an infrastructure network connection and a third-party root of trust to establish a secure channel, which are not always available. In this paper, we propose a sensor-fusion approach for mobile trust establishment, which combines GPS and visual data. The combined data forms evidence that one vehicle is nearby another, which is a strong indication that it is not a remote adversary hence trustworthy. Our preliminary experiments show that our sensor-fusion approach achieves above 80% successful pairing of two legitimate vehicles observing the same object with 5 meters of error. Based on these preliminary results, we anticipate that a refined approach can support fuzzy trust establishment, enabling better collaboration between nearby AVs

    Establishing Trust in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Coordination: A Sensor Fusion Approach

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    As we add more autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles (AVs) to our roads, their effects on passenger and pedestrian safety are becoming more important. Despite extensive testing, AVs do not always identify roadway hazards. Failures in object recognition components have already led to several fatal collisions, e.g. as a result of faults in sensors, software, or vantage point. Although a particular AV may fail, there is an untapped pool of information held by other AVs in the vicinity that could be used to identify roadway hazards before they present a safety threat

    FLIC: A Distributed Fog Cache for City-Scale Applications

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    We present FLIC, a distributed software data caching framework for fogs that reduces network traffic and latency. FLICis targeted toward city-scale deployments of cooperative IoT devices in which each node gathers and shares data with surrounding devices. As machine learning and other data processing techniques that require large volumes of training data are ported to low-cost and low-power IoT systems, we expect that data analysis will be moved away from the cloud. Separation from the cloud will reduce reliance on power-hungry centralized cloud-based infrastructure. However, city-scale deployments of cooperative IoT devices often connect to the Internet with cellular service, in which service charges are proportional to network usage. IoT system architects must be clever in order to keep costs down in these scenarios. To reduce the network bandwidth required to operate city-scale deployments of cooperative IoT systems, FLIC implements a distributed cache on the IoT nodes in the fog. FLIC allows the IoT network to share its data without repetitively interacting with a simple cloud storage service reducing calls out to a backing store. Our results displayed a less than 2% miss rate on reads. Thus, allowing for only 5% of requests needing the backing store. We were also able to achieve more than 50% reduction in bytes transmitted per second

    Are You Really Muted?: A Privacy Analysis of Mute Buttons in Video Conferencing Apps

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    Video conferencing apps (VCAs) make it possible for previously private spaces -- bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchens -- into semi-public extensions of the office. For the most part, users have accepted these apps in their personal space without much thought about the permission models that govern the use of their private data during meetings. While access to a device\u27s video camera is carefully controlled, little has been done to ensure the same level of privacy for accessing the microphone. In this work, we ask the question: what happens to the microphone data when a user clicks the mute button in a VCA? We first conduct a user study to analyze users\u27 understanding of the permission model of the mute button. Then, using runtime binary analysis tools, we trace raw audio flow in many popular VCAs as it traverses the app from the audio driver to the network. We find fragmented policies for dealing with microphone data among VCAs -- some continuously monitor the microphone input during mute, and others do so periodically. One app transmits statistics of the audio to its telemetry servers while the app is muted. Using network traffic that we intercept en route to the telemetry server, we implement a proof-of-concept background activity classifier and demonstrate the feasibility of inferring the ongoing background activity during a meeting -- cooking, cleaning, typing, etc. We achieved 81.9% macro accuracy on identifying six common background activities using intercepted outgoing telemetry packets when a user is muted

    A Signal Injection Attack Against Zero Involvement Pairing and Authentication for the Internet of Things

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    Zero Involvement Pairing and Authentication (ZIPA) is a promising technique for auto-provisioning large networks of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. In this work, we present the first successful signal injection attack on a ZIPA system. Most existing ZIPA systems assume there is a negligible amount of influence from the unsecured outside space on the secured inside space. In reality, environmental signals do leak from adjacent unsecured spaces and influence the environment of the secured space. Our attack takes advantage of this fact to perform a signal injection attack on the popular Schurmann & Sigg algorithm. The keys generated by the adversary with a signal injection attack at 95 dBA is within the standard error of the legitimate device